What is ketamine?
Ketamine is very well-researched and safe medication. For most of its history, it has been used as an anesthetic in hospitals and emergency rooms. It is also a dissociative psychedelic in smaller doses that has been researched as an off-label treatment for depression, anxiety, and PTSD. It is currently the only legal psychedelic available for use in a therapeutic setting.
What Is Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy?
Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy (or KAP) involves working with ketamine in the context of therapy. You receive the benefits of both the ketamine AND therapy, which makes this approach very powerful.
Ketamine can increase your brain’s neuroplasticity for a short window of time. This means that during this window, you can more easily establish new thought patterns and habits. Therapy in this stage can supercharge change.
What Can I Expect in Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy?
1.) Assessment-We will assess together whether KAP may be right for you. If it seems like a good fit, we will move to the preparation phase of treatment.
2.) Preparation– In the preparation phase, we will work to prepare for the medicine sessions. The length of this phase varies from person to person. We will focus on setting intentions/goals for the work, planning for safety, and mentally and emotionally preparing. You will also receive a referral to a medical provider who will medically assess you for KAP.
3.) Medicine Sessions– Medicine sessions typically last from 2.5- 3 hours. You can work with ketamine either in a smaller dose that allows you to remain in control and go deeper into therapeutic work, or a larger psychedelic dose with therapeutic guidance. Ketamine effects lasts about 60-90 minutes. The rest of the session allows us to begin to process/integrate your experience.
In our practice, we primarily work with ketamine in sublingual lozenges. However, we may be able to explore other modes of working with ketamine.
4.) Integration– Integration sessions allow you to make the best use of the neuroplastic window to establish new thought patterns, habits, and behaviors. It also allows you to gain valuable insight into your experience for personal growth. Even difficult or ‘uneventful’ experiences can be very profound and healing with integration.
5.) Repeat?– Some people may benefit from a small number of medicine sessions with integration. Others may need up to 6-8 medicine sessions for long-term change.
How much does it cost?
- Assessment, preparation, and integration sessions have the same cost as regular hourly sessions. ($150/hour).
- Medicine sessions cost around $450 (hourly rate x 3).
- There is also a cost for medical evaluation and follow-up. In Ohio, the cost for this is $335 for an initial medical appointment and $295 for follow-up appointments through Journey Clinical. In Michigan, this cost may vary depending on medical provider.
- Superbills may allow you to receive out-of-network reimbursement for assessment, preparation, integration sessions. They may also offer partial reimbursement for the first hour of medicine sessions.

To learn more and explore if Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy may be right for you, call or text us at (234)303-0661 for a free 15 minute consultation.